Blast from the Past: How BASIC Can Launch Your Coding Future (and a Look at Small Basic Too!)


The world of coding can seem intimidating for beginners. Lines of cryptic symbols flash before your eyes, and complex concepts swirl around you. But fear not, aspiring programmers! There's a hidden gem from the early days of computing that can gently guide you into the world of code: BASIC.


BASIC, short for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a true coding grandparent. Developed in the 1960s, it was designed with ease of use in mind. Unlike its modern counterparts, BASIC uses clear and concise commands that are often closer to natural language. This makes it a fantastic introduction to the fundamental concepts of programming, like variables, loops, and conditional statements.

Learning by Doing: Making Games with BASIC

The beauty of BASIC lies in its ability to make learning fun. Forget complex programs; BASIC excels at creating simple yet engaging games. Imagine coding your own version of Pong, a text-based adventure game, or even a guessing game! By creating these interactive experiences, you'll gain practical experience with coding principles in a way that's both enjoyable and rewarding.

Books to Level Up Your BASIC Game

Ready to embark on your BASIC coding adventure? Here are a few books to equip you:

  • "The BASIC Programming Book" by Ben Stark: This beginner-friendly guide uses clear explanations and practical examples to teach you the core concepts of BASIC programming.
  • "Learning BASIC Programming with Games" by Chris Pine: Dive right into game development with this book! It walks you through creating various games in BASIC, making learning an interactive process.
  • "Retrofication: Programming Classic Games for Modern Systems" by Derek Berliner: Feeling a bit more adventurous? This book takes you on a journey of recreating classic games using modern BASIC interpreters, allowing you to combine nostalgia with practical learning.

Beyond BASIC: Exploring the World of Small Basic

While BASIC is a fantastic starting point, there's another option worth considering for beginners: Small Basic. Designed in the 21st century, Small Basic takes inspiration from its classic namesake but offers a more modern and visually appealing environment.

Here's what makes Small Basic a great next step:

  • Simple Syntax: Like BASIC, Small Basic uses straightforward commands that are easy to understand and remember. This makes it perfect for beginners who are still grasping the core concepts of coding.
  • Visually Appealing: Unlike traditional text-based BASIC programs, Small Basic boasts a user-friendly interface with drag-and- drop functionality for certain commands. This can be a welcome change for those who prefer a more visual approach to learning.
  • Focus on Learning: Small Basic prioritizes education. It includes built-in tutorials and helpful error messages to guide you through the coding process. This makes it ideal for self-paced learning and troubleshooting any mistakes you encounter.

Learning Resources for Small Basic

Intrigued by Small Basic? Here are some resources to get you started:

  • Official Microsoft Small Basic Website: This website offers a free download of Small Basic, along with tutorials, documentation, and a supportive community forum.
  • "Small Basic for Beginners" by Aaron Courville: This book provides a gentle introduction to Small Basic programming, focusing on creating interactive games and applications.

Remember, the key is to experiment, play, and most importantly, have fun! Whether you choose BASIC or Small Basic, you'll gain valuable coding experience that will pave the way for exploring more complex languages in the future. So, fire up your emulator or download Small Basic, and get ready to code your way to programming success!

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