French Workbook For Dummies: Brush Up Your French and Unleash Your Inner Parisian

"Disclaimer: A Copy of the Book was Provided for Free
in Return for an Honest Review"


Have you ever dabbled in French but find yourself a touch rusty? Maybe you took classes in high school or attempted some Duolingo streaks, but conversation still feels like a game of charades. Fear not, fellow Francophone-in-training! French Workbook For Dummies by Laura K. Lawless is your passport back to the world of croissants and cafés. This refresher course will jog your memory, fill in the gaps, and equip you with practical exercises to boost your confidence and reignite your passion for the French language.


With some prior French knowledge under my belt, I found French Workbook For Dummies to be a delightful way to dust off the cobwebs and refine my skills. Lawless strikes a perfect balance between reviewing the basics and introducing more advanced topics. Here are three features I found particularly helpful for someone with a foundation in French:
  • Build on What You Know: The book cleverly assesses your current French level through a placement test. This lets you skip the beginner chapters and dive right into areas that need the most attention. No time wasted rehashing "comment allez-vous?" (how are you?) when you're ready to tackle trickier verb conjugations!
  • Challenge Yourself with Advanced Concepts: French Workbook For Dummies doesn't shy away from introducing more complex grammar rules later in the book. This was perfect for me, as it allowed me to push my understanding and learn new things like the subjunctive mood (le subjonctif), while revisiting forgotten fundamentals.
  • Think Beyond Basic Phrases: The book encourages you to go beyond basic greetings and tourist essentials. It introduces useful expressions for everyday situations, helping you navigate conversations with confidence. Imagine discussing the weather with a local using phrases like "Il fait beau aujourd'hui" (It's a beautiful day today) or "Il pleut" (It's raining).
While the book is a fantastic resource, remember, language learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Here are some tips to supercharge your French journey alongside the workbook:
  • Immerse Yourself in French Culture: Surround yourself with the language! Watch French movies with subtitles, listen to French music you love, or find podcasts that pique your interest. The more French you absorb, the more comfortable you'll become.
  • Find a Language Partner: Connecting with a native speaker, either online or in person, can be a game-changer. Conversation practice is crucial for building fluency and ironing out any lingering pronunciation issues.
French Workbook For Dummies is an engaging and practical guide for anyone with a basic understanding of French who wants to take their language skills to the next level. The clear explanations, cultural insights, and emphasis on practical application make it a valuable addition to your French learning arsenal. So, grab your baguette, put on your favorite French playlist, and get ready to rediscover the joy of speaking French!

About The Author:

Laura K. Lawless earned a BA in International Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She has also done graduate work in French and Spanish translation, interpretation, linguistics, and literature. Laura is the creator of, an online resource for students, teachers, and lovers of French.

About The Book:

  • French Workbook For Dummies by Laura K. Lawless 
  • ISBN: 978-1-119-98203-6
  • Publisher: Wiley 
  • Paperback
  • December 2022
  • 368 pages

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