Unlock Your Writing Superpower: The High-Value Workbook

"Disclaimer: Won a free copy of this book"


Drowning in emails and unclear communication? The High-Value Writing Workbook throws you a lifeline. This interactive guide is your shortcut to powerful writing, ideal for leaders, teams, and students alike. Stop wasting time deciphering unclear messages and struggling to get your point across.

The workbook equips you with simple strategies for writing with impact. Real-life examples showcase the dramatic difference clear communication can make, while practical exercises help you solidify your newfound skills. Bonus! The author provides access to helpful YouTube videos and targeted tips for leaders, ensuring everyone gets the most out of this dynamic learning experience.

Write with confidence, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals faster. The High-Value Writing Workbook is your key to unlocking the power of clear communication. Get your copy today and start writing your way to success!


If you've ever wrestled with a stubborn cursor or a mind overflowing with ideas but struggling to translate them onto the page, then The High-Value Writing Workbook by Erin Lebacqz is a godsend. Unlike other writing guides, this interactive gem goes beyond simply telling you what to do - it makes you think.

The book's secret weapon lies in its exercises. They're not mindless busywork, but thought-provoking prompts that challenge you to define your goals and strategize your approach. Whether crafting an email for work, a persuasive essay for school, or even a social media post, this workbook helps you identify the core message and tailor your writing for maximum impact.

The result? Simple, clear, and powerful communication. No more convoluted sentences or meandering paragraphs leaving your reader confused. The High-Value Writing Workbook equips you with the tools to write with clarity and purpose, ensuring your message is heard loud and clear.

This isn't just a book for students or business professionals – it's for anyone who wants to harness the power of words. No matter the writing outlet, you'll learn how to choose the right words and structure your message for maximum impact. Forget emails gathering dust in inboxes or essays lost in the sea of assignments. The High-Value Writing Workbook empowers you to communicate effectively in every situation.

As someone who has always struggled to express myself clearly, this book has been a revelation. The exercises forced me to confront my bad writing habits and develop a more strategic approach. Now, I write with newfound confidence, knowing my words will resonate with my audience.

The High-Value Writing Workbook is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to elevate their communication skills. It's a practical guide, a thought-provoking exercise book, and a gateway to a world of clear and impactful writing. I highly recommend it – you won't be disappointed!

About the Author:

Welcome, and thank you for looking into my books on writing with confidence and clarity. If you've ever felt unsure how to start an email, meet your reader's needs, or inform and connect with your reader at the same time, these books are for you. With all the writing we do in today's remote environment, we're now using writing to create and manage actual relationships!

I've been teaching writing for over twenty years—in the business, academic, public service, and non-profit realms. After students started asking for more ways to practice the strategies we learned in class, I thought it was time to start writing and publishing. I hope you'll find my books on writing helpful, practical, refreshing, and tactical. I've learned everything I offer in my writing from discussions with business writers and learners from around the world.

I hope you'll enjoy these books and their strategies. You'll find real-life examples, practice opportunities, and hands-on strategies that really show you how to manage your writing choices. Most of all, I hope these books will help you feel good about your writing. By building writing confidence, we can all create clear, concise, emotionally intelligent writing.

Best wishes for strategic, intentional writing,

Erin Lebacqz

Book Information:

  • Publisher: Lulu
  • Publication Date: May 7, 2024
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9798990664906
  • Paperback
  • Category: Education & Language

To learn more about The High-Value Writing Workbook or discover other helpful resources, visit:

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